Urban Initiatives
get involvedEverybody can contribute to social change if they put their mind to it. Urban Initiatives at IndiVillage Foundation gives individuals in urban geographies an opportunity to contribute to development in rural India through their knowledge, skills and time. Our aim is to catalyse these synergies, and create meaningful engagements for those who want to play a part in doing their bit for society.
We welcome dialogue and collaborations across organisations and individuals, to help us in our mission to advance rural India from Education to Employment.
Samvāda: Dialogue for Impact is a knowledge and networking platform for the impact community to present, brainstorm, and discuss themes and knowledge areas in social impact. Since its inception in 2019, Samvāda has had eight editions, while continuing to engage with the sector through conversations via other channels. It is held at our Bangalore office, with past editions having explored topics including the social enterprise model, financing, impact measurement, innovation, community outreach and engagement, and volunteering.
Visit Samvāda
100 organisations • 50 speakers • 8 dialogues
Our Social Internship Program invites young professionals, university students, and fellowship participants, to engage with and train for careers in the social sector. Through their projects, participants contribute to the various Sustainable Development Goals that IndiVillage Foundation works on, and gain practical experience that supplements prior learned theory and skills. This rural immersion program gives aspirants a real life experience of social challenges and the climate in which they operate.

24 participants • 19 projects • 5760 hours of training
To address the holistic development needs of beneficiaries in our communities, and engage working professionals who want to make a difference, we invite corporate organisations to partner with us and help us deliver our programs better. These partnerships translate into meaningful learning relationships that last a long time. Activities in these projects involve coaching, skilling, career counselling, and mentoring engagements.

68 volunteers • 1632 training hours
these bright young people (in the impact centres) and
being able to help them evolve as leaders.”