Krishna has been selling tea ever since he was a boy. Each day, he walks through the city and sells his hot and sweet drink to everyone who needs a small break. “I started selling chai, because it was also my father’s business and I always loved the smell of chai in our house.”

His passion for good chai made his business popular amongst a constant customer base in Yemmiganur. Still, selling chai also can be a very hard business as well. “I remember one time when people were not drinking so much chai. These times are hard for me as well, because it affects my life immediately.”

When IndiVillage opened the Yemmiganur Center and started growing his chai quickly became a very welcomed afternoon break amongst the employees. He realised quickly that IndiVillage’s office has a great impact on his business: Now his customer base has more than doubled. “My business grew rapidly. While I only had around 80 customers a day before, I am serving chai to more than 200 people today.”

With this development Krishna could start saving some money and be better prepared for times when business might slow down. His growing customer base also allowed him to improve his life at home and helped him to arrange a dream wedding for his daughter.

For his future he also has big plans. “I want to buy new equipment for my chai. As I get more and more customers, I want to make sure that the quality of my chai will always remain good.”

Written By: Maura Heinbokel

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